Electric Bedding
An electric blanket a is a blanket with an integrated electrical heating device. usually placed above the top bed sheet. Another variation of the electric blanket is the electric mattress pad, which is placed below the bottom bed sheet. Electric blankets usually have a control unit which adjusts the amount of heat the blanket produces. Blankets for larger sized beds often have separate controls for each side of the bed. The electric blanket may be used to pre-heat the bed before use or to keep the occupant warm while in bed. Goodman's carries a full line of electric blankets, electric mattress pads, heated throws, dual control electric blankets by Sunbeam and Biddeford, warming blankets in twin full, queen and king size and more.
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This department contains electric bedding, including Sunbeam electric blankets, Sunbeam mattress pads, electric throw blankets, and Biddeford electric bedding. At Goodman's you'll find good products, good prices, and good service!